20 Minute Simple Full Body Workout

This home full body workout is so simple – consisting of just three basic moves – that it requires no concentration and no difficult techniques to master. This workout makes it all about you. You and your resolve to give it your all and beat the number of rounds you did last time! That’s why it’s the perfect full body workout.

Who Remembers the Reebok Deck?

If you’re reading this article, chances are that you know what the Reebok Deck is and have been kicking yourself that you didn’t buy one when they were available. I write that, because as of December 2020, they appear to be very hard to find to buy online. Initially, it appeared that they may have … Read more

What Are the Best Workout Machines in Small Spaces

Living Room

The Covid epidemic of 2020 caused gyms around the world to close their doors leaving millions of people without access to their usual workout facilities. Continued uncertainty and intermittent lockdowns have left many gym goers questioning whether it makes sense to continue with their gym membership. People are looking to move their fitness regimes to … Read more