20 Minute Simple Full Body Workout

 Home Full Body Workout #1

Why I Think This Is the Perfect Full Body Workout

This workout is inspired by the Cindy WOD from Crossfit. If you’ve never heard of that, it is made up of:

  1. 5 Pull-ups
  2. 10 Push-ups
  3. 15 squats

The rules for the Cindy are that you have to do as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes.

However because we’re going to use this as our primary home body workout, we’ve slowed things down a little to create a workout that promises to build some muscle while still assisting with conditioning and fat burn.

Find out why full body workouts are preferable in this article.

This home full body workout is so simple – consisting of just three basic moves – that it requires no concentration and no difficult techniques to master. This workout makes it all about you. You and your resolve to give it your all and beat the number of rounds you did last time! That’s why it’s the perfect full body workout.

Will You Need Any Equipment?

You can do this workout without equipment, but I use the following pieces of equipment to make the workout a bit tougher:

We’re going to do this workout to time: 1 minute of work, followed by 1 minute of recovery/rest.

We will aim to complete a minimum of 10 rounds but just do your best, because if you repeat the workout at least twice a week, your body will rapidly adapt.

Don’t be surprised if you find that each time you do the workout you find can add another round!

The Most Effective Full Body Workout. Let’s Get It!

So let’s take a look at what you will be doing:

Exercise (No Equipment)Exercise (With Eqipment)Reps
Back WidowsPull-up5
Push-UpsPush-Ups with Bars10
Bodyweight SquatsKettlebell Squats10

If you don’t have a HIIT timer, then grab a notepad and pencil and set a countdown timer for minute.

You’ll complete a round of these exercises way before the minute ends (certainly in the early rounds), but don’t be tempted to skip the next minute of rest. Give yourself the rest and pace yourself. This is how to max out the number of rounds and make the most of workout volume.

Let me know how you get on in the comments!

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