Lifting Weights With Gastritis (SOLVED)

Gastritis can make life miserable and stop you from working out. If you’ve been asking whether you can continue lifting weights with gastritis, I’m here to tell you – from my own experience – that you absolutely can! In this article we’re going to look at a strategy that will help you to get control of the condition and get you back working out in no time at all.

What is Gastritis?

Gastritis is the name given to the inflammation of the lining of the stomach. The inflammation can be caused by numerous factors, but most commonly it is the result of infection with the same bacterium that causes most stomach ulcers: helicobacter pylori (H. pylori).

The excessive consumption of alcohol, or certain painkiller medication can also be factors in the development of gastritis.

Most often, gastritis is not considered to be a serious condition and it improves quickly if treated effectively. However, as you will read in my account of living with the condition, it can sometimes last for years.

lifting weights with gastritis

Symptoms of Gastritis

The main and most common symptoms of gastritis are:

  • Bloating sensation after eating
  • Indigestion
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Gnawing sensation in the stomach
  • Stinging and other manifestations of stomach pain

Where the stomach lining becomes so inflamed that it wears away this is called erosive gastritis and can lead to a stomach ulcer and in the most serious cases, perforation of the stomach.

My Experience With Gastritis

If you’ve read a few of my posts here at then you’ll know that in 2019 I was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia. But for 6 years leading up to my diagnosis I suffered with chronic gastritis.

===> RELATED: Can you lift weights with a hiatus hernia?

I began suffering with gastritis after I was seriously ill one Christmas with a condition called pancreatitis. It came on out of the blue and during that awful period I suffered the most incredible pain as my kidney function became critically impaired.

Anxiety Triggered Gastritis

Thankfully, by God’s grace, I recovered from pancreatitis without requiring any treatment, but the trauma of that episode and not knowing why it had occurred left me in a permanent state of anxiety. I was petrified that it would happen again.

I believe it was this constant state of anxiety that caused me to succumb to gastritis.

Over the next few years, I would find myself in a constant battle with nausea and stomach pain.

The nausea stripped me of my appetite and I would often either skip meals or start eating, only to find that I immediately felt bloated and even more nauseous.

nausea from gastritis

Occasionally, eating would give me temporary relief but this would be short-lived and within an hour of eating my stomach would be stinging once again and I’d be burping uncontrollably as I tried to relieve the bloating.

Every morning I’d find that I was experiencing diarrhea, which was sometimes so bad that I couldn’t leave the house.

Against the backdrop of these unrelenting symptoms, I found that it wasn’t just food that I no longer enjoyed: I had completely lost my appetite for life. Most days, I felt exhausted and depressed.

I was eventually prescribed a PPI (proton pump inhibitor) in the form of Omeprazole – and while this was effective, I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life on this drug.

After a month or so, I quit the pills and sure enough, over time my symptoms returned.

Effect of Gastritis on my Gains

As you can imagine, being unable to eat normally had a dramatic impact on my gains.

Meal portions had to be drastically reduced and because eating would always spark the nausea, I wanted to eat as infrequently as possible – the opposite of the typical bodybuilding diet.

It became increasingly difficult to preserve muscle mass and I watched in horror as years of muscle building progress was stripped from my frame.

I’m a naturally skinny guy anyway, and to look in the mirror to see a version of myself that I’d left behind decades ago, was soul-destroying.

Perhaps I’d invested too much of my self-esteem in the way I looked, but I’m sure most of you will understand the anguish of losing your strength and size and being unable to do anything about it.

If only I’d have read a blog post like this back then. I would’ve been saved years of anguish.

How I Was Freed From Gastritis

I really didn’t want to go back on the meds and so I set off on a quest to find an alternative.

What I found was incredibly effective and also delicious!

I discovered a morning smoothie recipe from the Mayo Clinic which I adapted and took every day. Remarkably, I found that within 2 weeks, my symptoms had completely disappeared.

I was pain free and enjoying food again.

For the first time in years, I was able to simply enjoy eating without fear of the pain and nausea that I’d been living with for so long.

By 2018, my bodyweight had recovered and I actually reached the heaviest I’d ever been – and it was substantially muscle that accounted for the weight gain.

I’ll share the full recipe and details of the other things you can do to enjoy a similar recovery from this awful condition, but first, let’s look at why gastritis disrupts our training goals so significantly.

Why is Lifting Weights With Gastritis so Difficult?

People who have never experienced gastritis are likely to think of it as just a stomach ache, but the reality of gastritis is far more debilitating than that.


For me, the pain of gastritis took the form of both a sharp stinging sensation and a deep gnawing ache.

The sting would be exacerbated by eating spicy or acidic food, but not always immediately afterwards. As an example, I’m a sucker for hot chili sauce. I found that if I poured the hot sauce on a plate of sizzling fajitas, for example, the worst effects wouldn’t be felt until 24 hours later.

Yes, I may have experienced the usual post-meal bloat and nausea, but the really sharp stinging pain from the hot sauce could take up to 24 hours to manifest.

As for the deep gnawing ache, this was a permanent feature of my waking life.

It often felt like a nervous stomach and contributed to the constant state of anxiety that I lived with back in those days.

When you have this degree of pain in your life, the very last thing you want to do is workout. In fact, lifting weights would sometimes even cause the pain to spike – especially if I was lifting after an evening meal.


The nausea!!

If there’s one thing I hate in this life, it’s nausea – regardless of whether it culminates in vomiting or not.

And nausea was a constant companion; a daily demon that stalked every waking hour.

When you feel like you’re going to chunder, the last thing you want to do is exert yourself lifting weights!

So nausea became the gatekeeper of my workouts and more often than not it blocked my passage.


The combination of stomach pain, nausea and starvation left me feeling incredibly weak. If I was able to motivate myself to workout, I’d find that my performance was poor and I’d frequently cut my workouts short – not reaching my target number of sets and reps.

It wasn’t just a perception of weakness either. The starvation that resulted from gastritis meant that I was suffering from muscle atrophy and getting weaker as the weeks progressed.

Working out in a state of starvation is not recommended and you won’t be surprised to learn that it was impossible to make – or even keep – gains during this period of chronic gastritis.


The frustration of losing weight, being in constant pain, feeling nauseous and getting progressively weaker all conspired to leave me feeling completely demotivated.

In fact, during these years, I became severely depressed and found that every aspect of my life was tainted by this condition.

My libido disappeared and I felt utterly wretched.

Whereas in the past, working out had been something that contributed to good mental health, I now felt like I was being mocked by the gastritis that was keeping me away from my bench and weights.

I felt helpless and hopeless, up until the point I discovered my cure.

How to Overcome Gastritis

Unlock Stomach Health with ‘The Gastritis Healing Book’ – Yours for FREE

Struggling with gastritis while pursuing your weightlifting goals? Transform your approach with ‘The Gastritis Healing Book’ by L. G. Capellan, a comprehensive guide available on Audible. This audiobook dives deep into healing gastritis, offering a step-by-step program, science-backed remedies, and over 50 gastritis-friendly recipes. Understand the causes, embrace natural supplements, and follow a detailed meal plan to restore your stomach health. Best part? Start your no-obligation Audible trial, and this life-changing guide, along with a free accompanying PDF, is yours to keep. Don’t let gastritis hold you back any longer. Claim your path to a healthier, happier life today.

As I said, I discovered my cure and the shocking thing was how quickly the condition healed when I introduced what I’m about to share with you.

I couldn’t believe how quickly I went from barely being able to face food, to (nearly) taking for granted that not only did I feel hungry, but I was able to eat without even worrying about pain, bloating or nausea.

So I’m really excited to share these strategies with you.

There’s nothing here that can’t be bought at your usual grocery store, so I hope that you’re going to be able to incorporate these things into your daily routine and find yourself healed from gastritis as quickly as I was.

I also urge you to dive into my recent article, where I uncover the astounding connection between stress and its impact on your gains. Discover the powerful, science-backed supplement that effectively tackles stress symptoms, alleviates pain, and soothes inflammation – all backed by hard evidence. Unveil the extraordinary benefits waiting for you!

Morning Kale Smoothie

kale smoothie

As I mentioned earlier in this article, I adapted this Mayo Clinic Smoothie recipe to suit the needs of a gastritis sufferer.

The main change I made was to swap out spinach for kale. This is important as you’re going to be consuming this at least 5 days per week and regular consumption of spinach may lead to the formation of kidney stones due to it’s high oxylate content.

I also dropped the mint from the recipe as I found that it exacerbated the symptoms of gastritis.

Finally, I added in some whey protein isolate as it’s super high in glutamine which helps to rebuild the stomach lining. It goes without saying that it also helps to rebuild all that lost muscle.

  • 1 banana
  • Juice of 1 lemon (about 4 tablespoons), some peel too.
  • 1/2 cup strawberries
  • 1/2 cup blueberries
  • 2 ounces fresh kale (about 2 cups)
  • a thumb sized chunk of fresh ginger
  • 1 Scoop of Whey Isolate (unflavored)
  • 1 cup cold water or ice

Drink this every morning, first thing.

Honestly, I found this to be the most soothing thing on my stomach. It literally took that gnawing pain away, filled me up (without bloating) and kept the nausea at bay all morning.


Yes, you will have spotted this in the smoothie recipe above, but you really want to make sure you incorporate fresh ginger in your diet – as well as the powdered stuff too!

Ginger is a potent anti-inflammatory and a proven antiemetic (anti-sickness) too. Almost as if it were created specifically for gastritis sufferers!

I found that adding fresh ginger to my smoothie didn’t just make it taste delicious, but it enhanced the medicinal effects of the smoothie too.

Another way you can incorporate it into your diet is to try it sprinkling dried ginger over fresh slices of melon. Try it – it really is a gorgeous combination.

In my most desperate moments, I would even suck on frozen ginger root that I had sliced and placed in the freezer earlier. Having this by my bedside or with me as I struggled through the day at work was a lifesaver.

Dairy Switch Out

goat milk for gastritis

Cow’s milk is known to be inflammatory to the gut. This study comparing the effects in mice of goat milk to cow milk consumption opens with the statement:

Goat milk as compared to cow milk, is easier for humans to digest. It also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects and can improve minor digestive disorders and prevent allergic diseases in infants

It concludes with “…this study showed that goat milk consumption could enhance immune function and antigen-specific immune response…

I switched over to goat milk and found that after a period of time I got used to the goaty smell and taste. In fact, after a few weeks, I stopped even noticing the taste at all and even grew to love it.

Porridge made with 50:50 water and goat milk is absolutely delicious – super creamy and gelatinous!

Knowing that goat milk is anti-inflammatory and that it also enhances immune function is all the confirmation I need that I have made the right decision.

Give it a try!

Food Diary

This step is incredibly important in the first few months of your recovery from gastritis.

Start keeping a food journal so that you keep track of all that you’re eating and then, if you have a flare up, you can look back and note the possible culprits that caused the problem.

Over time you’ll identify the foods that are safe and cause you no problems and more importantly pin-point those meals or ingredients that are problematic for your gut.

The next stage is to discipline yourself to avoid those foods that are now obviously causing your symptoms to flare up.

You’ll find that by following this process you develop a way of eating that avoids the pain-causing foods and that you begin to enjoy food again.


From reading my account of how gastritis affected me, you could understandably conclude that I am against pharmaceutical intervention.

This isn’t the case though. While I am against a premature reliance on medication, I’m all for the supportive role drugs can play when dietary and lifestyle interventions have been exhausted or when there are no other options available.

Omeprazole and all similar PPI medication have their place.

If you’ve been suffering terribly with gastritis, then you should absolutely continue with your treatment while implementing the above changes to your daily regime.

As you feel your health improve and the gastritis dissipate speak to your doctor about the possibility of reducing the dose.

I no longer take omeprazole unless I have a particularly bad flare up – and these only occur if I hit the hot chili sauce!! However, I find that two or three days of treatment with omeprazole is sufficient to get back on top of the symptoms.

🚨 Attention, fitness enthusiasts! 🚨 Are you struggling with muscle growth due to stress or a medical condition? Discover the secret weapon that helped me (and countless others) turn the tide and transform our fitness journeys despite setbacks! Unlock the SHOCKING TRUTH about how this all-natural, science-backed supplement can help you break through stress barriers and finally achieve the gains you deserve! Don’t miss out on the life-changing information in this article ➡️ Does Stress Sabotage Your Muscle Growth ⬅️ Trust me, you won’t believe what you’ve been missing out on! 💪

How to Lift Weights With Gastritis

We now know how to combat gastritis and get control of the condition.

While you’re recovering though, my advice is to go easy on yourself in terms of exercise.

Having unrealistic expectations on what you will be capable of achieving while training in a compromised state will only add to your mental anguish.

Instead, you should be looking after yourself by putting together a ‘recuperation workout program’ that you can follow until you feel fully recovered.

This may look something like this:

Monday: 7k walk

Tuesday: Full body dumbbell workout

Wednesday: Core work

Thursday: 7k walk

Friday: Full body dumbbell workout

Sat / Sun: Rest

This may not look like much, but it’s vitally important that you don’t over-tax yourself while you are suffering from and hopefully recovering from gastritis.

Listen to your body throughout your recovery.

You’ll know when it’s time to start increasing the intensity and the weight again as you’ll frequently find yourself thinking about your next gym session!

And when that point comes, why not check out these follow along workout programs that between them, provide full body fitness without crunches or sit-ups.

When lifting weights once again dominates your thinking, you know that it’s time to start training again and you can up the intensity and amount of weight you’re lifting.

Stay Strong, Stay Healthy Despite Gastritis

victory over gastritis

So there you have my complete guide to surviving gastritis and thriving after you’ve conquered it.

I hope that you start taking your daily green smoothie and begin to feel the rapid relief that I felt once I adopted this practice.

One last thing to encourage you: I shared the smoothie recipe with a work contact who was suffering with severe gastritis himself. Sure enough, two weeks later he called me to let me know that his gastritis symptoms had completely resolved.

I genuinely believe that by following the kale smoothie regime you will experience a dramatic turnaround in your symptoms.

Please do also check out the audiobook ‘The Gastritis Healing Book: A Comprehensive Guide to Heal Gastritis and Restore Your Stomach Health’ by L. G. Capellan – perfect to listen to during your commute, so that you can equip yourself with invaluable knowledge to restore your stomach health.

Let me know how you get on and please leave a comment – I’d love to hear from you.

17 thoughts on “Lifting Weights With Gastritis (SOLVED)”

  1. Hi Matt,

    I’m fairly new to this gastritits condition (in my late 20ies). Started a month ago after I ate my own made soup with more spices than it should be (pepper). After the gastroscopy doctor told me I have “mild” gastritis, but it doesn’t feel mild to me. During this short period, I lost about 15 pounds – part to blame was that in the first-week doctors thought it was food poisoning so I was on bread and water. Currently still on antibiotics (rabeprazol) and my conditions were getting better, started working out again, and I was mowing lawn all day last week without any problems. But two days ago in the evening ate a few pickled cucumbers with my cooked chicken. Felt it immediately, and the pain was still there the other day. Still have two weeks of rabeprazol to do and also picked up some Aloe vera juice/gel. My questions are about that smoothie. You didn’t have any issues with lemon in smoothie? – i figured if I had simptoms back from just a few pickles which are acid should I also stay away from citruses in any form? Also during this time, I thought, did I do this to myself with whey proteins (and creatin taken from time to time). I don’t want to look at weight scale anymore, current weight is “me from 9 years ago”. Should I still wait with any moderate to hard exercise during this “initial” stage of inflamation?

    • Hi Mike,

      Thanks for stopping by and for your comment. You have my sympathy – gastritis is painful and can make you feel awful, so I know your pain and I know how difficult it can be to avoid those tempting foods which while tasty, can play havoc with your stomach lining.

      So on to your questions: the lemon in the smoothie didn’t seem to make the symptoms worse and as I say in the article, the smoothie had a near-miraculous effect on my gastritis. However, if you’re concerned, just leave it out of the recipe as there’s nothing I’m aware of in the lemon itself that contributes to the stomach-healing properties of the smoothie – that’s all in the kale.

      If you’re sensitive to cow’s milk, then a whey protein could possibly have had a negative effect on your stomach, but remember that whey protein is high in glutamine which contributes to the health and restoration of the stomach lining. Whey Isolate is more digestible than standard whey and it has anti-inflammatory and immune enhancing properties. You could also source goats whey protein too.

      What I don’t want you to do is beat yourself up for taking whey and creatine. They are both incredibly well researched and time-proven to be safe and effective. Indeed, they are the only two supplements that I tend to use.

      Go easy on yourself in terms of trying to lift too much too soon. Really use this time to restore yourself to good health rather than focusing on building your physique – that will come back in time. From what you’ve written, it sounds like you need to avoid peppery, spicy and acidic food and stick religiously to the breakfast smoothie (minus the lemon juice).

      One final thing – perhaps reconsider the aloe vera juice: “But, is ingested oral aloe vera a “potion or poison?” “Internal use of aloe may cause acute hepatitis”—liver inflammation—as well as electrolyte imbalances, and you should definitely not inject aloe. “[B]ut oral use also is not recommended,” either.”

      I hope that you begin to feel better soon Mike. Please do stop by again in a couple of weeks and let me know how you’re getting on.

      In the meantime, you’ll be in my prayers.

      Speak soon,


  2. Hi Matt.
    My name is Esther and I was recently diagnosed with Moderate Diffuse Chronic Gastritis and the biopsy also showed that I have a mild h pylori infection.
    My biggest problem is the nausea. It would totally throw me off my game. I would lose my appetite which results in gas development and bloating. Sometimes I would be fine for a few days to a week but then I would get sick again.
    My doctor started treating me with antibiotics for the h pylori but that only worsened my symptoms and made me even sicker. I am honestly lost. I have been on a Gastritis diet for months now but nothing seems to work. I was also an avid lifter for a year but stopped for a couple of months when I really started to get sick. I keep going in this circle and my quality of life is not the same as it used to be. I am tired of all the doctors and medications. Any advice?

    • Hi Esther,

      First and foremost my wife and I have prayed for you. Whether you have faith or not, rest assured that I do have faith, and I have seen countless answers to prayer.

      Secondly, I have recently been experimenting with intermittent fasting – predominantly because of research I had been carrying out for another article, but also because it appeals to my current work-life balance (or lack of!) due to an incredibly difficult, arduous and stressful job I took on at the beginning of the year. I mention this, because the routine I’m currently following is working wonders for me both in terms of keeping the symptoms of gastritis completely at bay (without ANY medication) but also in terms of keeping me trim while my exercise regime suffers at the hands of my career.

      My routine looks like this:

      7:30am – a pint of water with a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar (drink through a straw to preserve your enamel).
      10:00am – breakfast
      12:00 noon – lunch
      3:00 pm – snack
      17:30 pm – evening meal.
      18:00 – 10:00 am FAST

      ACV has a host of benefits, but it is hypothesised that it’s acidity in the pint of water is low enough not to exacerbate your gastritis, but high enough to signal to your stomach that it doesn’t need to produce any acid.

      While following this regime, I’ve even managed a few very spicy curries without issue!

      So why not try adapting the tips in this article around a 10am to 6pm eating window and make your first drink of the day a glass of water with ACV.

      If this doesn’t work for you, then check out the work of Shawn Baker. I have followed him for a while on Twitter and am intrigued by his meat-only diet. He’s a physician and a current record holder on the Concept 2, so certainly has the credentials not to be dismissed. He appeared on GB News today and his story and promotion of a meat-only diet is fascinating.

      Wishing you all the very best. Please do come back and let me know how you’re getting on.

  3. Besides the smoothies what are other ways you are incorporating ginger into your diet? Do you eat ginger when needed or sprinkle it on other foods daily? Is it just a sprinkle of ginger or tablespoon a day? I don’t think I have ever had ginger before.

    • Hi Nick, great to see you back here. I hope that you’re doing well.

      OK, I buy fresh ginger, wash it, peel it and the chop it into thin slices and freeze it. That’s my emergency supply in case I have a flare up. In those instances, I whip it out of the fridge and chew on it for instant relief.

      I buy organic powdered ginger and add this to my daily porridge. I use plenty of it with some honey and blueberries and it tastes fantastic.

      If I’m having a smoothie, I add a chunk of fresh ginger.

      At least 3 nights per week I will have a meal that includes fresh ginger: curry, keema, stirfry.

      I also enjoy fresh melon, nectarines or peaches sprinkled with fresh ginger.

      I hope this helps, but keep me posted with how you’re getting on.

      • Hi matt, thank you very much for this! Knowing your story of struggle and healing gives me so much hope that one day i could live a normal, pain- and anxiety-free life again after chronic gastritis (diagnosed with chronic gastritis from
        H pylori and hiatal hernia). Ive suffered from anxiety and low self-esteem as i deal with its debilitating symptoms. Was off meds for two weeks after nearly 3 months of PPIs and 1 month of antibiotics. I also grew up skinny so spent my 20s and 30s getting healthy and fit to build self-confidence so i felt helpless losing all the gains in just under a month. Reading your blog is a such a blessing. I will definitely try your smoothie recipe and moderate exercise hoping that this would speed up my healing process.

        • Hi MC,

          Thank you so much for sharing your story with me. I’m touched that my experience has offered you hope during this challenging time. Remember, setbacks are temporary, and with persistence and the right support, you’ll overcome this and reclaim your health. I can’t stress how ill I once felt with the constant gnawing pain and nausea in my stomach, yet as I write this, I pretty much take my stomach for granted because it feels great. This will be you too.

          Leaning on my faith was a source of comfort and strength for me, and I would encourage you to rely on your spiritual resources as well. For me, it was this that broke the cycle of anxiety. I’m glad you’ll be trying my smoothie recipe and incorporating moderate exercise into your routine. Don’t give up. Be patient with yourself and give your body the time it needs to heal.

          On my journey, I have also found that surrounding myself with motivational messages can help to keep me focused. I even designed a fitness t-shirt featuring the word ‘overcomer’ along with its definition. Wearing it during workouts reminds me of my inner strength and resilience. Even if a workout doesn’t quite go to plan, I know I showed up and gave it my best. If you’re interested, here’s a link to the t-shirt. I hope it might provide motivation for you too.

          Please keep me updated on your progress, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. Wishing you a speedy recovery and a return to a vibrant, pain-free, and anxiety-free life.

          Take care and God bless,


  4. Hi Matt,

    With all the stories online, its good to hear a good news story. I too had lost my gains over the years and its nice to know that this can be beaten. I have been diagnosed with Mild Gastritis but to me its not really mild. I am pushing myself just to be engaged but its getting harder and i think people have noticed. Everyone is supportive but sometimes I think the doctors don’t really care. I had to push to get to this stage. The GI has prescribed PPI for the morning and H2 Blocker for the night. I have started the smoothie today and it really has a ginger kick :). The question I have is what else did you eat within the two weeks with the smoothie?

    Thanks again for the information and support.


    • Hi Peter,

      I’m so glad that my story has resonated with you and provided some encouragement. It’s amazing how many of us are going through similar struggles, and I’m happy to share some hope with those who have been feeling lost or alone in their journey.

      First and foremost, I want you to know that I completely understand how frustrating gastritis can be. It may be classified as “mild,” but the impact it can have on our daily lives can be anything but. Maintain your courage and determination to push through this and I’m sure you’ll get back to your best self.

      I’m glad that everyone around you is supportive, but I felt the same with healthcare professionals in that they don’t have the time (or inclination?) to get to the bottom of our issues, but rather want to just prescribe something to mask the symptoms.

      Now, regarding your question about my diet during the initial two-week period, my go-to meal was baked sweet potato, turkey, and steamed broccoli. I found this combination to be easily digestible and gentle on my stomach. I stuck to a moderate portion of meat or poultry with steamed vegetables for most of my meals. Fatty, fried, or spicy foods were definitely off the table for me.

      Remember, everyone’s body is different, and what works for one person might not necessarily work for another. That’s why I recommend a food diary to keep track of your food intake to identify patterns and any potential triggers.

      Stay positive and keep pushing forward, Peter. If you have any more questions or just need someone to chat with, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re all in this together, and I’m here to support you every step of the way.

      Wishing you the very best on your journey to recovery,


      • Thanks Matt, I did not realise that you responded.. I really appreciate the support and I feel like it’s getting harder.. I am still having stomach pains but I will keep moving forward hopefully one day the pain will stop to give me some relief.. I will deferentially keep in touch.


        • Hi Peter,

          I’m so sorry to hear that things aren’t improving for you just yet.

          Have you tried drinking a pint of water mixed with a tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar about an hour before eating and again at bedtime? This tends to be all I need these days when I feel a ‘niggle’ in my stomach after eating something I know doesn’t suit me.

          Give it a try and let me know how you get on.

          Don’t give up hope Peter. For perspective I suffered horribly with my stomach between 2013 and 2019, but now I’m pretty much fine and not using any medication whatsoever.

          In the meantime, you should check out my article in stress, muscle loss and CBD oil as an effective anti-stress intervention. I think there’s so many benefits to be gained from CBD oil, it’s probably another thing you could investigate.

          My family and I have prayed for your healing.

          Come back soon and let me know how you’re getting on.

          All the best


        • Hey Peter,

          I’m going through the same thing. I hope you feel better soon. Keep strong . I added chicken bone broth to my diet. Most chicken bone broth will have apple cider vinegar in them. When I felt really bad, I did aloe vera juice with papaya first thing in the morning and this got me through some of my hard times.

          What I’ve learned from my journey with all these stomach issues is that you have to try different things. It seems you are already doing that, so I wish you luck in this. I haven’t found the magic combination yet, but I pray to God that I find it soon. Having Gastritis takes drains you in so many ways.

  5. Matt, seu artigo foi muito reconfortante.
    Sou brasileiro e achei poucos conteúdos sobre musculação e gastrite aqui, então resolvi procurar em outros idiomas.

    Muito obrigado!

    • Hi Gustavo,

      Thank you for dropping by to say hello all the way from Brazil! I’m glad you found the article useful. Please do drop by again and let me know how you’re getting on!

      To your health!


  6. Matt,

    I will try the smoothie, and some of your other recommendations. I’ve been in a long journey. A year ago my appendix ruptured. I was hospitalized for a couple of weeks. After the surgery, I was never the same. I started to feel better but in December I started feeling very sick. I ended up in the hospital. My kidneys were also malfunctioning. They found a I had H pylori. I took the treatment which is two weeks of antibiotics, so you can imagine that my stomach is just destroyed. A month ago I had an endoscopy because I kept having issues, and they told me I had mild gastritis, but it doesn’t feel mild at all. I changed my whole life in an instant, but honestly it has been like a rollercoaster. I was feeling good two weeks ago, but I stopped the medication and it’s back to the same thing again. Like you suggested to one of you the commenters here, I also started doing intermittent fasting. Since December I have lost almost 60 pounds. I”m 186 now. Yesterday, I did a bit of heavy lifting and it completely made me bloated so I will have probably just do very light and high reps along with walking. It’s so frustrating to feel like this. I pray to God every day, and I hope he guides me and helps me through this journey. Thank you for posting this, Matt.


    • Hi Israel,

      Thank you for sharing your journey. I understand how tough things have been, and your honest and courageous account is a testament to your character.

      I’m sorry to read about how much weight loss you’ve experienced due to your illness. I want to reassure you that your physical stature doesn’t define you. Your worth as a man is about so much more than weight—it’s your strength of spirit, your resilience, and the courage you’re demonstrating every day. With time, patience, and dedication, I’m certain that you’ll rebuild your strength and return to excellent health.

      Your approach to workouts reflects your keen understanding of your body’s current needs. Switching to lighter weights and more repetitions can help maintain your fitness without undue strain. In my own experience, as I’ve already stated, I’ve found value in a modified CrossFit Cindy workout. This routine involves 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 squats, repeated as many times as possible in 20 minutes. By controlling your pace and focusing on form, you can make this workout as challenging or as gentle as you need it to be. In fact, this is still my go-to workout even now, in great health.

      As for nutrition, three light, balanced meals a day without snacks in between could help ease your digestion. Some have found that sipping on diluted apple cider vinegar between meals can assist further in terms of keeping your stomach acid under control.

      Your faith has been a strong anchor for you, Israel, and it’s heartening to see your trust in God’s guidance through this storm. I join you in prayer, asking for your continued strength, resilience, and healing.

      Your story of perseverance reminds me of a new t-shirt design I’ve been working on. It features a diamond and the slogan, “hard pressed… not crushed“, a fitting metaphor for resilience under pressure.

      Remember, you’re not walking this path alone, Israel. I’m here, standing with you. Please keep me updated, and feel free to reach out if you need more advice or support.

      Take care,



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